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Book Promotion Funnels

Book Promotion Funnel - ClickFunnels

Written A Book?

Have you ever wanted to write a book and self-publish? It’s become so easy for anyone to become a published author overnight. You just need a laptop and Microsoft Word or Google Docs to get started. Then find an editor online or maybe you have a friend who’s good at spotting those grammar errors.

The hardest part is what to do after you are done writing the book and that’s when the marketing and promotions start. I have published 2 books and just the first one was available in paperback using Amazon’s Print-On-Demand Service Kindle Direct Publishing formerly CreateSpace. That was several years ago before funnel creation tools like ClickFunnels were available. I would join other local authors at coffee shops for book sales which was a lot of fun. Then I was invited to speak in front of 70+ authors in Idaho and talk to them about the topic of my book which was promoting with social media. I was able to sell several hundred copies of my book through these events but never had anything good going online.


Today’s self-published authors can use tools like WordPress and ClickFunnels make it easier than ever to publish a book and have huge success like ClickFunnels Russell Brunson who’s published 3 books now and has been successful selling thousands of copies with book promotion funnels. Not only can you sell the paperback/hardback version of the book you can up-sell the buyer and offer them the digital version, audiobook and any other products tied to your book. That’s some huge potential to up the average cart value so you can earn more.

Book Promotion Funnels

I’ve created 9 Beautiful Book Promotion Funnels that you can use for promoting your own book. They work with ClickFunnels which is a powerful funnel builder tool that I’ve been using since 2018. You can use any of the funnels and modify them however you’d like so you can sell more books and earn more income on your way to becoming a best selling author. My favorite funnels is the last one because it has my book “Udemy Life” that I published several years ago. It was a fun book writing because it features stories of instructors on the online course platform Udemy where I have some courses.

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