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Funnels That Spark Ideas.

Find the perfect funnel to spark your next idea. Welcome to Funnel Template Marketplace!

The Funnel Template Marketplace was an idea of mine to bring entrepreneurs and business owners great looking funnels. Inside you’ll find funnels to generate leads for your business, promote self-published books, create membership sites, sell digital or physical products, sell high-ticket products, hold a virtual summit, promote your Brick & Mortar business, run online challenges, host a live webinar or evergreen webinars that generate income while you sleep.

Helping Others Grow Their Passion Online.

My passion is helping others bring their ideas or business online through my years of knowledge. I’ve been building websites since the 90’s, using WordPress for over 6 years and building funnels using ClickFunnels for the last 2 years. Reach out to me and let me know what I can do for your success!


I’ve been building websites since the 90’s, teach online courses on Udemy and building funnels with ClickFunnels for over 2 years now..


I’ll listen to you so I can understand your needs before offering solutions to those needs.


I love helping others and dedicated to giving you the best advice and helping you understand the tools needed to help grow your business.

Dennis J. Smith

Founder – Funnel Template Marketplace

ClickFunnels Funnel Builder, Udemy Instructor, Kindle Author, Affiliate Marketer, ConvertKit Email Marketing and WordPress Specialist.